Data collected from soil moisture sensor, runs and visualise on Arduino program
At 0'10'' of the video, I attach the moisture data to the noise observer on Touch Designer, and the images are then manipulated by the 'noise' of the soil.
Learned how to make the Lazer & LDR sensor compatible with Arduino
Learned how to calibrate pH sensor and make it compatible with Arduino
Arduino & sensors learning process ----------->
Touch designer learning process ----------->
Learned how to make the SGP30 MOX Gas sensor compatible with Arduino
Learned how to send data from Arduino to touch designer
Learned Arduino UNO & Breadboard's circuit connection logic, by looking at the infographics
the code
the wiring
the code
the wiring
testing heater's eCO2 production
testing Kombucha's eCO2 production
testing eCO2 production when I blow
references of China Central Television & Signal Shield Vehicle
Learned how to input from web browsers, and there are licensing issues as well
A lot of "red" from CCTV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Exaggerated "red"
testing out the sensor's effect on the visibility of images in Touch Designer
visual outcome combined CCTV with infographics
tried 3D scan Kombucha, not satisfied with the visual outcome
research on Kombucha's fermentation process
Kombucha learning process ----------->